Favorite Daily Specials $3.50 to $25.00

Please join us for your Favorite Daily Special - some served every week, some served seasonally. The Greek Islands Restaurant prepares the following daily specials for you. These items are not on the Dinner or Lunch menu, so they are very special indeed!


VARIOUS DAILY SOUPS ~ $3.50 Cup or $4.50 Bowl – Avgolemono (Greek Lemon Soup), Chicken Noodle, Lentil, Navy Bean, and Award Winning Spinach Cheese Soup (during Winter through Lent).


MONDAY – Stuffed Tomatos and Stuffed Peppers (June through Labor Day). Stefatho - Beef with Onions (After Labor Day through Winter).


EVERY OTHER WEDNESDAY – Greek Spagetti and Meatballs, Meatloaf Greekstyle, or Lamb with Pasta.


THURSDAY – Lamb Stew.


FRIDAY – Fish Plaki.


FRIDAY AND SATURDAY NIGHT – Lamb Shanks over Rice.


SUNDAY – Roasted Lamb Dinner